whole genome shotgun strategy

Compared with either a clone-by-clone approach or whole-genome shotgun sequencing, CAPSS requires relatively few library constructions and only minimal computational power for a complete genome assembly. The strategy is suitable for ...

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  • Barley semi-dwarf genes have been extensively explored and widely used in barley breeding ...
    ... using SLAF-seq and whole-genome shotgun strategy to fin ...
  • Compared with either a clone-by-clone approach or whole-genome shotgun sequencing, CAPSS r...
    A Clone-Array Pooled Shotgun Strategy for Sequencing Large G ...
  • We investigate if pooling BAC clones and sequencing the pools can provide for more accurat...
    Assessing pooled BAC and whole genome shotgun strategies for ...
  • Another approach, used to sequence very large amounts of DNA (such as an entire genome), i...
    Human Whole-Genome Shotgun Sequencing - Genome Research
  • Physical map-assisted whole-genome shotgun sequence assemblies
  • Our strategy for whole-genome shotgun sequencing is also entirely consistent with the bact...
    Shotgun sequencing - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
  • Whole genome shotgun sequencing History The first genome sequenced by shotgun sequencing w...
    Shotgun sequencing - Wikipedia
  • 2001年5月26日 - Celera採用的方法稱為「全基因體散彈槍法」(whole genome shotgun sequencing method),所謂的「散彈槍」法主要是...
    Shotgun sequencing - YouTube
  • The two groups that published the draft sequence of the human genome last year used differ...
    Shotgun strategies | Genome Biology | Full Text ...
  • The whole genome shotgun (WGS) method was proposed as an alternative method to the map-bas...
    What is shotgun sequencing? | Facts | yourgenome.org
  • Whole genome sequencing (also known as WGS, full genome sequencing, complete genome sequen...
    Whole genome sequencing - Wikipedia
  • Whole genome shotgun sequencing for small (4000 to 7000 basepair) genomes was already in u...
    Whole genome shotgun sequencing - YouTube
  • What is Whole Genome Shotgun (WGS)? Whole Genome Shotgun (WGS) projects are genome assembl...
    Whole Genome Shotgun Submissions - National Center for ...
  • Whole-genome shotgun assembly and comparison of human genome assemblies Sorin Istraila, Gr...
    Whole-genome shotgun assembly and comparison of human genome ...
  • The technical ease with which whole-genome shotgun sequencing (WGS) ... CBC assemblies in ...
    [PDF] Human Whole-Genome Shotgun Sequencing - Duke Computer Science
  • nomes. Our strategy for whole-genome shotgun se- quencing is also entirely consistent with...
    [PDF] Shotgun sequencing
  • 2014年11月17日 - Whole genome shotgun sequencing bypasses the time-consuming mapping and clo...
    實驗室裡實驗室外: 解讀人類基因組的人(一):基因圖譜怎麼破解
  • In genetics, shotgun sequencing is a method used for sequencing long DNA strands. ... Howe...
    有關 whole genome shotgun strategy 的學術文章